Water conservation

Published on 07 June 2022


Pressures on Melbourne's water supply mean that we need to continuously look to reduce the amount of water we consume.

Melbourne's population is predicted to grow 23.5% by 2031.

Climate change is forecasted to reduce available water supply by 8% by 2020 and 20% by 2050.

Simple ways to save water

Make sure you follow the Victorian government's permanent water saving rules.

In your home

  • Fix leaky taps and toilet cisterns.
  • Install dual flush toilets.
  • Make sure taps are turned off properly.
  • Make sure your dishwasher and washing machine is full before use.
  • Replace taps and showerheads with AAA rated fittings.
  • Take shorter showers and turn off the tap while you brush your teeth.
  • Buy AAA rated front loader washing machines - they use about 40% less water than top loaders.

In your garden

  • Install a rainwater tank to flush the toilet or for irrigation.
  • Plant drought-tolerant indigenous plants.
  • Use garden mulch to reduce evaporation when watering your garden.
  • Sweep driveways and footpaths, do not hose down.

Further information

For advice on water conservation and rebates for water saving devices visit Yarra Valley Water

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