Indigenous flora and fauna

Maroondah has a vast diversity of flora and fauna, including many rare and threatened species who depend upon our distinct habitat types.
Habitat types within Maroondah
There are 13 distinct habitat types within Maroondah.
- Wetlands
- Herb-rich plains grassy wetland
- Swamp scrub
- Manna gum riparian forest
- Swamp gum forest
- Silver-leafed stringybark forest
- Messmate subriparian forest
- Mixed eucalypt forest of silver-leafed stringybark
- Mixed eucalypt forest of messmate stringybark
- Messmate and narrow-leafed peppermint
- Yellow box - candlebark forest
- Peppermint and bundy forest
- Box-stringybark woodland.
Flora species in Maroondah
Indigenous plants, commonly referred to as ‘locally native’, are plants that occur naturally in a given area.
There are approximately 460 indigenous flora species in Maroondah.
Of these, there are 9 plants in Maroondah that are listed as rare or threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (1988). Some of these species include:
- swamp everlasting
- Lindley's spider orchid
- Kilsyth South spider orchid
- tall wallaby grass
- thin duckweed
- golden cowslip
- two species of diuris
- sharp greenhood.
Why plant indigenous?
They are virtually maintenance free, requiring little or no watering under normal conditions. Their establishment does not require expensive, specialised soils, chemical sprays or fertilisers, as they are accustomed to the natural environmental conditions of the area. This means they save water, time and money.
Locally native plants are environmentally friendly, add beauty to your garden and provide food and shelter for fauna such as birds, stingless native bees and butterflies.
List of Indigenous plants of Maroondah
Scientific name |
Common name |
Acacia aculeatissima
Snake Wattle
Acacia dealbata
Silver Wattle
Acacia genistifolia
Spreading Wattle
Acacia leprosa
Cinnamon Wattle
Acacia mearnsii
Black Wattle
Acacia melanoxlyn
Acacia myrtifolia
Myrtle Wattle
Acacia paradoxa
Hedge Wattle
Acacia pycnantha
Golden Wattle
Acacia stricta
Hop Wattle
Acacia ulicifolia
Juniper Wattle
Acacia verticillata
Prickly Moses
Acaena novae-zelandiae
Bidgee Widgee
Acrotriche serrulata
Honey Pots
Adiantum aethiopicum
Common Maidenhair
Allitia cardiocarpa
Swamp Daisy
Alisma plantago-aquatica
Water Plantain
Allocasuarina littoralis
Black Sheoke
Alternanthera denticulata
Lesser Joy Weed
Arthropodium milleflorum
Vanilla Lily
Arthropodium strictum
Chocolate Lily
Austrodanthonia sp.
Wallaby Grass
Austrostipa sp.
Spear Grass
Banksia marginata
Silver Banksia
Billardiera scandens
Common Apple Berry
Bossiaea prostrata
Creeping Bossiaea
Brunonia australis
Blue Pincushion
Bulbine bulbosa
Bulbine Lily
Bursaria spinosa
Sweet Bursaria
Carex appressa
Tall Sedge
Cassinia aculeata
Common Cassinia
Cassinia arcuata
Drooping Cassinia
Carex fascicularis
Tassel Sedge
Cassinia longifolia
Shiny Cassinia
Centella cordifolia
Swamp Pennywort
Chrysocephalum apiculatum
Common Everlasting
Chrysocephalum semipapposum
Clustered Everlasting
Clematis aristata
Old Man’s Beard
Clematis microphylla
Small-leafed Clematis
Comesperma volubile
Love Creeper
Coprosma quadrifida
Prickly Currant Bush
Correa reflexa
Native Fuchsia
Crassula helmsii
Swamp Stonecrop
Daviesia latifolia
Hop Bitter-pea
Daviesia leptophylla
Narrow Leaf Bitter-pea
Daviesia leptophylla x latifolia
Derwentia derwentiana
Derwent Speedwell
Deyeuxia quadriseta
Reed Bent-grass
Dianella longifolia
Pale Flax-lily
Dianella revoluta
Black Anther Flax-lily
Dianella tasmanica
Tasman Flax-lily
Dichelachne sp.
Dichondra repens
Kidney Weed
Dillwynia cinerascens
Grey Parrot Pea
Echinopogon ovatus
Hedgehog Grass
Epacris impressa
Common Heath
Eragrostis brownii
Brown’s Love-grass
Eucalyptus cephalocarpa
Silver Leafed Stringybark
Eucalyptus globoidea
White Stringybark
Eucalyptus goniocalyx
Long-leaved Box
Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
Red Stringybark
Eucalyptus melliodora
Yellow Box
Eucalyptus obliqua
Eucalyptus ovata
Swamp Gum
Eucalyptus polyanthemos
Red Box
Eucalyptus radiata
Narrow-leaved Peppermint
Eucalyptus viminalis
Manna Gum
Gahnia sieberiana
Red-fruited Saw-sedge
Glycine clandestina
Twining Glycine
Gonocarpus humilis
Gonocarpus tetragynus
Common Raspwort
Goodenia elongata
Lanky Goodenia
Goodenia humilis
Swamp Goodenia
Goodenia lanata
Trailing Goodenia
Goodenia ovata
Hop Goodenia
Goodia lotifolia
Golden Tip
Hakea ulicina
Furze Hakea
Hardenbergia violacea
Purple Coral Pea
Helichrysum scorpioides
Button Everlasting
Hibbertia obtusifolia
Showy Guinea-flower
Hibbertia riparia
Erect Guinea-flower
Hovea linearis
Common Hovea
Hydrocotyle laxiflora
Stinking Pennywort
Hypericum gramineum
Small St John’s Wort
Indigofera australis
Austral Indigo
Joycea pallida
Red Anther Wallaby Grass
Juncus sp.
Kennedia prostrata
Running Postman
Kunzea sp.
Lachnagrostis filiformis
Common Blown Grass
Leptorhynchos tenuifolius
Wiry Buttons
Leptospermum continentale
Prickly Tea-tree
Linum marginale
Native Flax
Lobelia anceps
Angled Lobelia
Lomandra filiformis
Wattle Mat-rush
Lomandra longifolia
Spiny-headed Mat-rush
Melaleuca ericifolia
Swamp Paperbark
Microlaena stipoides
Weeping Grass
Olearia lirata
Snowy Daisy-bush
Olearia myrsinoides
Silky Daisy-bush
Ozothamnus ferrugineus
Tree Everlasting
Pandorea pandorana
Wonga Vine
Patersonia occidentalis
Long Purple-flag
Persicaria decipiens
Slender Knotweed
Persicaria praetermissa
Spotted Knotweed
Platylobium formosum
Handsome Flat-pea
Platylobium obtusangulum
Common Flat-pea
Poa ensiformis
Purple-sheathed Tussock Grass
Poa labillardieri
Common Tussock Grass
Poa morrisii
Velvet Tussock Grass
Poa sieberiana
Tussock Grass
Polyscias sambucifolia
Elderberry Panax
Pomaderris aspera
Hazel Pomaderris
Pomaderris prunifolia
Plum Leaf Pomaderris
Poranthera microphylla
Small Poranthera
Prostanthera lasianthos
Victorian Christmas Bush
Pultenaea gunnii
Golden Bush-pea
Pultenaea scabra
Rough Bush-pea
Rubus parvifolius
Native Raspberry
Senecio sp.
Groundsel / Fireweed
Solanum aviculare
Kangaroo Apple
Solanum laciniatum
Large Kangaroo Apple
Spyridium parvifolium
Dusty Miller
Stylidium graminifolium
Grass Trigger-plant
Tetrarrhena juncea
Forest Wire Grass
Tetratheca ciliata
Pink Bells
Thelionema caespitosum
Blue Grass-lily
Themeda triandra
Kangaroo Grass
Veronica plebeia
Trailing Speedwell
Viola betonicifolia
Showy Violet
Viola hederacea
Native Violet
Viola sieberiana
Tiny Violet
Wahlenbergia stricta
Tall Bluebell
Xanthorrhoea minor
Small Grass Tree
Bird species in Maroondah
Maroondah has 117 indigenous bird species.
Fragmentation of remnant habitat has meant that nearly all indigenous bird species recorded in the municipality are of biological significance at a municipal level.
There are 4 bird species that occur in Maroondah that have not previously been recorded in the Atlas of Victorian Wildlife. They are:
- royal spoonbill
- Australian shelduck
- black-winged stilt
- ·olive whistler.
Mammals in Maroondah
Mammals in Maroondah include:
- koala
- swamp wallaby
- echidna
- native water rat.
In total Maroondah has 18 indigenous and 6 introduced mammals. Some of these species include:
- white-striped freetail bat
- common ringtail possum
- brown antechinus
- sugar glider.
Amphibians in Maroondah
Maroondah has 2 major creeks and many wetlands that support 9 species of frogs, including:
- Peron's tree frog
- spotted marsh frog
- southern toadlet.
Reptiles in Maroondah
Other fauna include reptiles such as:
- red-bellied black snake
- white-lipped snake
- lowland copperhead snake
- blotched blue tongue
- McCoy's skink
- common long-necked tortoise.
There are 10 species of reptile recorded in Maroondah's Sites of Biological Significance Study in Maroondah Vol. 1. Lorimer et al. 1997.
Butterflies in Maroondah
There are 24 species of butterfly recorded, including the elusive sword-grass brown butterfly.
Further information
See Indigenous gardens or contact Council on 1300 88 22 33.