Temporary traffic management

To undertake works on Council-owned roads, footpaths or nature strips, builders and contractors are required to have a Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) Permit (formerly named a Road and Footpath Closure Permit) before works commence.

Works include:

  • road openings
  • vehicle crossings 
  • service connections
  • landscaping works.

Where an event proposes to implement traffic management and/or close sections of the road or footpath, the event manager is required to have a Temporary Traffic Management Permit.

Please note: the permit and fee structure for the Temporary Traffic Management Permit (formerly named a Road and Footpath Closure Permit) changed as of January 2025 to enable a multi-implementation use.

The changed structure offers the following benefits to applicants:

  1. Streamlined process. One TTM Permit can cover various traffic management implementations required during the course of a development (up to 12-month max permit duration) rather than multiple separate permits for each set of works.
  2. Time savings. Application assessments typically take 10-15 days. Applicant can make one application at the start of the development, rather than make and wait for multiple assessment of applications during the development.
  3. Cost savings for making amendments. To amend the TTM Permit, applicants can apply for an Amendment and pay the Amendment Fee, rather than the previous process of applying for a new TTM Permit and paying the higher Application Fee.

The new permit and fee structure is shown under Apply for a permit.

Your responsibilities

Builders and contractors are responsible for the safety of motorists and pedestrians during any works, as well as during any reinstatement works under the Road Management Act.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide appropriate lead-time for the assessment of their application as indicated in the “Apply for a permit” section.”

Apply for a permit

See fees and charges

There are a number of documents that must be submitted with your Temporary Traffic Management Permit application.

1. Prepare your supporting documentation

When applying for a Temporary Traffic Management Permit you need to provide:

  • current Public Liability Insurance – Certificate of Cover
  • a Traffic Management Plan (incorporating a job site risk assessment). For works that require traffic management when workers are not on site (for example, when concrete is curing overnight), an After-care Traffic Management Plan is also required.
  • a Department of Transport and Planning approved Memorandum of Authorisation (MOA), if conducting works on an Arterial Road
  • a Department of Transport and Planning approved Memorandum of Authorisation (MOA), if Major Traffic Control Items will be utilised, such temporary traffic signals
  • written notification to affected businesses/residents/public transport providers if applicable 
  • notification to Emergency Services of possible detours or expected significant delays.

2. Apply either online or in writing

Apply for a Temporary Traffic Management permit

Amend a Temporary Traffic Management permit

3. Application assessment

Based on the current high number of enquiries received by the Traffic Engineering Team, including large quantities of Road Works related plan assessments for State Government major projects that are currently underway in Maroondah, the timeframes for assessing Temporary Traffic Management Permit applications has increased. We will endeavour to undertake the assessment of a Temporary Traffic Management Permit application within 15 business days.

Should additional information be required, further time may be added to the assessment timeframe.

Please note: Council's Engineers generally do not fast-track assessments. However, if an applicant allows the 15 business day assessment time, Council's Engineers will prioritise assessments based on the proposed work dates. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide appropriate lead-time for the assessment of their application and to schedule works dates with due consideration of the application process and expected timeframes. If you have not received a response to your application following 15 business days, please contact us to request a status update

4. Activation of traffic management implementation

Your Temporary Traffic Management Permit may include a condition requiring you to “activate” the permit prior to each implementation of traffic management.

You may activate the permit for a single or multiple days of implementing traffic management. Generally, implementation days are for active traffic management arrangements; short durations of after-care (a set of 3 or less days) are excluded from the implementation days.

To activate your permit, you must contact Council’s Engineering Department on 03 9298 4292 or by emailing engineering@maroondah.vic.gov.au no later than 2pm on the business day before the traffic management is planned. You must advise of the following:

  • TTM Permit number
  • Applicable Traffic Guidance Scheme/s (if your TTM Permit has approved multiple Traffic Guidance Schemes)
  • Days and times of implementing traffic management. (Refer to TTM Permit for approved days and times.)
  • Number of days you are implementing traffic management.
  • Name and contact number of the person activating TTM Permit.

Do my works need a Traffic Management Plan?

The Road Management Act defines works "as any kind of activity conducted on or in the vicinity of a road or proposed road in connection with the construction, maintenance or repair of the road or the installation, maintenance or repair of any infrastructure in, on, under or over a road and without limiting the generality of this definition includes

        (a)     excavating or breaking up the surface of a road;

        (b)     erecting a structure in, on or over a road;

        (c)     removing or interfering with any structure or marking on a road;

        (d)     planting or removing a tree or other vegetation;

        (e)     tunnelling under a road;

        (f)     connecting a road to a road;

        (g)     installing pipes, drains, cables, poles, buildings, shelters or other structures on a road reserve;

        (h)     erecting any obstruction on a road or otherwise impeding the use of a road for the purpose of conducting any works”

The Road Management Act also defines ‘non-road works’ as an activity to be conducted on a road which will significantly interfere with the normal use of a road by road users in accordance with this Act and the regulations. A non-road activity would include the use of a road for the shooting of a film, a bicycle event, a street festival or a street market. 

Council checks the requirements of the TMP against Australian Standards, Austroads Guides and the relevant Acts, Codes and regulations through the Temporary Traffic Management Permit process. If your TMP is deemed suitable for your works, you will be issued a Temporary Traffic Management Permit.

Can I draw a traffic management plan for my own works?

The Code of Practice (Worksite Safety - Traffic Management) made under the Road Management Act 2004 states only:

  • an experienced traffic engineer; or
  • works manager who has either:
    • undertaken a course in traffic management planning (e.g. RIICC503A); or
    • at least 2 years experience in preparing traffic management plans.

Should prepare, approve, review and or make modifications to traffic management plans.

The Department of Transport and Planning provides a downloadable PDF list of all accredited and approved companies by DTP for conducting traffic management on roads managed by DTP. 

Download the accredited and approved companies list