Maroondah Heritage Action Plan

At its meeting on 18 October 2021, Maroondah Council adopted its first Heritage Action Plan.

Over the past 5 years Council has considered a number of ad hoc planning scheme amendments seeking to apply heritage controls so as to protect the heritage fabric of a number of individual sites at risk of demolition.  Whilst Council has successfully achieved the heritage protection of these individual places, this approach is not resource efficient and doesn’t facilitate the orderly management of the municipality’s heritage assets.

Maroondah Heritage Action Plan - October 2021 is a clear statement of Council’s commitment on heritage protection, priorities and allocation of resources. The Action Plan supports Council’s ability to analyse and improve the support for local heritage and its identification, protection and promotion.

In order to articulate Council’s commitment to heritage protection the Maroondah’s Heritage Action Plan includes the following Vision Statement:

  • The City of Maroondah will become an example of best practice heritage conservation.
  • Heritage places of diverse types and eras are valued and celebrated in Maroondah.
  • Council understands the values of the local community and the needs of heritage place owners and supports them effectively and efficiently. Council and its staff value heritage and integrate it into all planning and decision making, thereby harnessing its power to enhance a sense of place, increasing the desirability of Maroondah’s suburbs as locations to live and work.

The main objectives of the plan include:

  • Fulfil Council’s Statutory obligations under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to identify and protect local heritage.
  • Implement Maroondah’s community vision in Maroondah 2040: a thriving a well-built community… to protect and value … local history and cultural heritage.
  • Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities between Council and the wider community in conserving Maroondah’s heritage.

Maroondah Heritage Action Plan has been prepared in accordance with Heritage Victoria’s Municipal Heritage Strategies a guide for Council (2012).  The Heritage Action plan was the result of internal consultation and targeted consultation with Maroondah’s Heritage Reference Group.

Maroondah Heritage Action Plan

Maroondah Heritage Action Plan(PDF, 2MB)