Disability publications

Seniors Transport Guide

Provides information to residents who are reducing their driving or relying on alternative modes of transport. We have a range of public and community transport options including buses, trains, taxis and courtesy services, as well as facilities for walking and cycling.

This guide also outlines travel discounts, the myki system and community transport services, as well as information on travelling with your mobility aid. If you’d like a copy of this booklet sent to you please contact Council on 1300 88 22 33.

Seniors Transport Guide  

Communicating with people with disabilities

This booklet contacts valuable information that enables effective communication between all community members regardless of their abilities. There are sections on communicating with people who have a hearing impairment, speech difficulties, low vision, physical disabilities, cognitive impairment, autism, and mental health. It also mentions available resources and talks about supporting employees with a disability.

Communicating with people with disabilities(PDF, 398KB) 

This booklet is also available as an audio CD.  Contact the MetroAccess Officer on 9294 5750 if you would like a copy in this format.

Disability Policy and Action Plan

Council’s Disability Policy and Action Plan outlines our commitment and strategic direction in supporting a more inclusive community for everyone who lives, works and plays in Maroondah. This plan is available in hard copy as well as alternative formats

Disability Policy and Action Plan 

Access 4 All 2 Play

The booklet was developed as a resource tool and checklist to consider when planning for accessible play spaces. It also contains an assessment of play spaces in Maroondah in relation to their accessibility and suitability for use. 

Access 4 All 2 Play(PDF, 1MB)

Maintaining your mobility in Maroondah

This booklet increases awareness of motorised scooters and electric wheelchairs. It assists in making an informed choice based on individual needs when buying a motorised scooter and how to manage a motorised scooter or electric wheelchair responsibly.

Maintaining Your Mobility in Maroondah(PDF, 7MB)

Social Scripts

Council, with professional assistance from Amaze Autism Victoria, has produced social scripts for some of our playgrounds . Social scripts helps people with autism, or others that may feel anxious in new places, to learn more about the reserve before they visit.

A Social Script is a short description of a situation, event or activity, which includes specific information about what to expect in that situation and why. The Social Scripts use clear everyday language and pictures to outline what you can see and do when visiting certain parks and reserves.

More about our social scripts

Assistance dogs: Information sheet for businesses

Assistance Dogs: Information Sheet for Businesses(PDF, 2MB)