Community satisfaction survey

The annual Community Satisfaction Survey is designed to assess the performance of Maroondah City Council across a range of measures to identify ways to provide improvement or more effective service delivery to residents.

The survey is conducted by the Victorian Government's Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions on behalf of participating councils. The 2025 Community Satisfaction Survey is underway, interviewing dates will be conducted on the following dates:

  • Q1 - Thursday 30 May - Sunday 30 June 
  • Q2 - Thursday 15 August - Sunday 15 September
  • Q3 - Thursday 31 October - Sunday 1 December
  • Q4 – Monday 20 January - Sunday 16 March

During these periods, residents may receive a call from an independence research agency, National Field Services who will conduct the interview on behalf of Council. 

About the survey

The survey is designed to measure community satisfaction with Local Government performance and provide insights into how communities view the performance of their local authorities.

The survey is used to collect your feedback about:

  • Council's overall performance
  • community consultation and engagement
  • advocacy – lobbying on behalf of the community
  • making community decisions
  • sealed local roads
  • customer service
  • overall council direction.

Survey results 2024

The survey questions are standardised across the state which means that their wording may not always reflect the localised focus of service delivery. The survey questions also only provide limited contextual information which could mean that respondents provide ratings based on services, activities or issues that are beyond Council’s direct area of influence.

This research is led by the Victorian Government and Council does not provide any personal details or phone numbers to the market research firm undertaking the survey. 

Data collection for the 2024 Community Satisfaction Survey was undertaken across four quarters from 1st June 2023 - 18th March 2024.

Council’s 2024 results are relatively consistent when compared to results over the past five years. Council’s performance on a range of indicators has also improved over the past 12 months.

Council’s overall performance continues to be rated in line with the average rating for councils in the Metropolitan group and is rated statistically significantly higher (at the 95 per cent confidence interval) than the state-wide average for councils.


  • The rating for ‘Councils overall performance’ (66) is 12 points higher than the state-wide average (54).
  • The rating for ‘Value for Money’ (59) is 11 points higher than the state-wide average (48).
  • The rating for ‘Informing the Community’ (67) is 11 points higher compared to the state-wide average (56).
  • The rating for ‘Making decisions in the interest of the community’ (60) is ten points higher compared to the state-wide average (50).
  • The rating for ‘Council’s general town planning policy’ (58) is eight points higher compared to the state-wide average (50).
  • The rating for ‘Recreational facilities’ (76) is eight points higher compared to the state-wide average (68).
  • The rating for ‘Environmental Sustainability’ (67) is seven points higher compared to the state-wide average (60).

Council will consider these results to help identify opportunities for further improvements and enhancements to service delivery.

Community-Satisfaction-Report-2024.pdf(PDF, 685KB)

Summary of results

Performance measures Maroondah 2024 result Metro Melbourne 2024 average Statewide 2024 average
Overall performance 66 63 54
Value for money 59 57 48
Community consultation 59 56 51
Advocacy 58 54 50
Customer service 74 71 67
Overall Council direction 53 49 45
Making decisions in the interest of the community 60 57 50