Assistance dogs can be registered for free if the owner meets the eligibility criteria.
An assistance dog is trained to perform tasks or functions that assist a person with a disability to alleviate the effects of their disability.
This can include but not limited to:
To be eligible for free registration, you must provide evidence that:
The exemption will not apply to:
Learn more about the Assistance Animal registration scheme online a Animal Welfare Victoria.
If you meet the eligibility criteria you will need to provide supporting evidence, including:
Download and complete the application form.
Assistance Dogs registration application form(PDF, 323KB)
Assistance Dogs registration application form(DOCX, 176KB)
Please submit your application form, and supporting evidence one of the following ways:
Once the evidence has been received Council will review and respond with the outcome of the application.
To change your mailing address for your pet registration, please complete a change of details form.