Permit to construct, install or alter onsite wastewater management

eProperty owners must apply for a permit before commencing any works on the onsite waste water management system (OWMS). It is the responsibility of the owner to submit an application for a permit to Council for approval.

About installing or altering a wastewater management (septic) system

See fees and charges

Apply for a permit to construct, install or alter an onsite waste water system

By email, in person or by mail

Step 2.When applying for a permit to construct, install or alter you must provide Council with:

  • details of the proposed use of the onsite waster water system (OWMS)
  •  detailed plans, specifications and particulars of the proposed construction, installation or alteration of the OWMS including the floor plan of the premises at which the activity specified in the application is to be engaged in
  • a detailed and scaled site plan showing:
    • all proposed and existing buildings, swimming pools, driveways, stormwater drains, dams and watercourses
    • location of proposed wastewater system and disposal area including setback distances to dwellings, boundaries, swimming pools and watercourses
  • a Land Capability Assessment prepared by a suitably qualified person to a standard acceptable to the council
  • system details including name of system and design of disposal area and a copy of the Certificate of Conformity issued by a body accredited under the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (or any other accreditation body approved by the Authority), confirming that the proposed on-site wastewater treatment plant meets the appropriate standard  or a copy of an exemption granted by the Authority under section 459 of the Act, stating that the applicant is exempted from the requirement to provide a certificate of conformity.  Where an exemption may apply, in the case of a Sandfilter treatment plant, an application to the EPA for an exemption is available on the EPA website.
  • payment of the prescribed fee.

Council's Environmental Health Officers will inspect the system during the installation process to ensure the wastewater system meets the permit conditions and EPA guidelines. A Certificate for Use will be issued to the owner once the final inspection has taken place with all works being approved.

Further information

For advice prior to carrying out any alterations or modifications to existing systems or the installation of a new system, contact Council’s Environmental Health Officers on 9294 5603.