Croydon South Neighbourhood Enhancement Plan

Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 is a long-term plan to accommodate Melbourne’s future growth in population.

The 20-minute neighbourhood concept is a key principle of the strategy. The 20-minute neighbourhood is all about ‘living locally’ — giving people the ability to meet most of their everyday needs within a 20-minute walk from home, with access to safe cycling and local public transport options.

Research shows that 20-minutes is the maximum time people are willing to walk to meet their daily needs locally. These needs include local health facilities and services, schools and local shopping centres. This represents an 800m walk from home to a service or destination, and back again.

20‑Minute Neighbourhood Pilot Program

The Victorian Government is working in partnership with local government to test the implementation of 20-minute neighbourhoods in three pilot projects sites in Melbourne.

This report outlines the approach taken in the Croydon South pilot project, delivered in partnership with Maroondah City Council, Victoria Walks and the Heart Foundation (Victoria).

The purpose of the project was to identify opportunities to improve liveability and create a 20-minute neighbourhood in Croydon South.

The project was delivered in three stages. The pilot program and this report are important in developing local solutions to address global and metropolitan sustainable development challenges.

Croydon South Neighbourhood Enhancement Plan 

Croydon South Neighbourhood Enhancement Plan(PDF, 2MB)