Burning off

Fire Danger Period declared

The Country Fire Authority (CFA) has declared the Fire Danger Period in Maroondah will commence on Monday 23 December 2024.

Fire restrictions will be in force from this time which means you cannot light a fire in the open air unless you have a permit.

The Fire Danger Period is declared based on rainfall, grassland curing rates and other local conditions. It is not the same as Total Fire Ban days.

Find out more on the CFA website


A permit is required prior to any burning off. Burning without a permit carries a maximum penalty of $2000. 

Incinerators have been banned in Maroondah since 1995.

Permit conditions

If your property is greater than 10,000m2 (1 hectare) you may apply for a permit to burn in the open. 

A permit will only be issued when:

  • there is no other practical way to dispose of the material (note: the expense of other methods is not a consideration)
  • the material to be burnt is dry
  • the relevant fire brigade is notified at least 24 hours prior to the burn
  • the burn can be conducted safely, with someone in attendance at all times the fire is alight
  • water is available on-site at all times
  • the material to be burnt does not contain any rubber, plastic, oil, paint, chemicals, food scraps, green flora or other substance likely to cause a nuisance when burnt 
  • the material to be burnt is not the product of any building works (includes erection and demolition)

Apply for a burning off permit

  1. Submit your application form (with fee) to Council.
  2. A Local Laws Officer will inspect your property.
  3. After inspection, if approved, the permit will be issued. 

See burning off permit application form

Material can be burnt within a 4hr period between 10am and 3pm (not on Sunday). 

You are required to report the date of burning to Local Laws on 1300 88 22 33 before the event. Neighbours must also be notified 24 hours prior to the burn.

Open air burning during the Fire Danger Period

Open air burning during the Fire Danger Period is governed by the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 and is enforced by Victoria Police.

For information on which fires are allowed during the Fire Danger Period, and which activities are prohibited, visit the CFA website:

If you believe someone is burning off illegally during the Fire Danger Period, report this to Triple Zero (000)