Carbon Neutral Offsets Policy

The Carbon Neutral Offsets Policy guides Council’s Carbon Neutral Certification under the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS), enabling the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2020.

Policy objectives include:

  • To facilitate the implementation of Council’s carbon management roadmap by:
    • Avoiding the generation of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon intensive activities,
    • Reducing emissions through implementing efficiency programs,
    • Switching to renewables, including installation of local renewable energy generation technology, or the purchase of accredited renewable energy, and
    • Purchasing of NCOS accredited offsets to achieve carbon neutrality.
  • Seeking formal carbon neutral accreditation from the federal government’s National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS).
  • Ensuring carbon offset units purchased and retired towards Council’s carbon neutral claims are additional, permanent, measurable, transparent, and registered.

Carbon Neutral Offsets Policy