Cat ownership
In Maroondah, cats are important members of the family. A cat can be a joy but they are a big responsibility too. Cats are a lifelong commitment, but given the chance, they will love you for life.
Things to consider as a responsible cat owner include:
- keep your cat confined to your property at all times
- have your cat de-sexed if it is not intended for breeding
- ensure all vaccinations are up-to-date
- provide your cat with a healthy varied diet
Legal requirements:
Cat curfew
As part of Council local law, cats must be confined to an owner’s property from sunset to sunrise each day.
Did you know that trauma is the leading cause of death in pet cats?
A 2020 study found that the average life expectancy of an outdoor cat is 4.5 years and the average life expectancy of an indoor-only cat is 15 years! Keeping your cat indoors between dusk and dawn more than doubles its life expectancy and reduces roaming related accidents and injuries.
Keep your cat safe at home
By keeping your cat safe at home you will be:
- reducing the risk of them getting sick, being hurt or dying in an accident
- reducing the risk they will stray and be lost or impounded
- minimising the risk they will harm or kill other animals
- preventing them from interacting with undesexed roaming cats
- avoiding cat-related problems with your neighbours
- giving them a better chance to enjoy a longer, healthier life.
With the proper care and attention, no matter what stage of life your cat is at, they can thrive when kept safe at home. As an added bonus, the local wildlife around you is free to flourish when cats aren’t roaming.
Read more on safe cats and safe wildlife.
Cat enclosures
Cat enclosures are a safe and humane way to comply with Council's cat curfew.
Visit the RSPCA website for more information on keeping your cat safe and happy at home.

Further information
Choosing a pet
Deciding to become a pet owner requires considered thought and planning - all potential pet owners need to be sure they are ready to take on the responsibility of owning a pet before making a choice of breed of pet.
For more information see Choosing a new pet.
Missing pet
If your cat or dog is lost and you would like to check if it has been found, contact Council during business hours on 1300 88 22 33 or 9298 4598.
If Council cannot assist you, please contact:
- Animal Aid 9739 0300
- RSPCA 9224 2222
- your local vet.
What if my animal is picked up by Council?
If a Council Ranger picks up your cat or dog, it may be taken to Animal Aid in Coldstream where it will be cared for until it is claimed.
When you collect your animal from Animal Aid you will be charged a release fee. Please note that separate Council fines may also apply.
Deceased animals
If your animal is deceased please notify Council so that the animal can be taken off our files.
If you find a deceased animal on Council property, contact the Council's Operations Centre on 1300 88 22 33 to arrange pick up. If the animal has been microchipped, Council will notify the family.
Codes of Practice
The Victorian Government has introduced two codes of practice for private owners of dogs and cats, to provide guidance for standards of care of your pet.
Further information on the codes can be found at the Department of Primary Industries website.
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