Public Notices

Council publishes public notices to inform residents of meetings, programs, roadworks, calls for submissions, planning matters and other important services. Current notices are required to be published on our website in accordance with the Local Government Act.

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131 Result(s) Found

Maroondah City Council (Council) is proposing to name the five lane Indoor Cricket Training Centre, currently under construction in Jubilee Park, Ringwood. It is proposed to name the Centre “Maroondah Edge”.

The name ‘Maroondah Edge’ is a reference to cricket and training (to gain an edge) and has been chosen to complement the existing brands for Council’s other stadiums: Maroondah Nets and The Rings.

A person may provide feedback on the proposal in accordance with the Geographic Place Names Act 1998 (Vic) and Naming rules for places in Victoria – Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities – 2022.

All submissions must be received by Friday 31 March 2023 and may be sent by:

  • Email to with the email subject line of “Submission - Geographic Naming Proposal - Maroondah Edge”; or
  • Post to PO Box 156, Ringwood VIC 3134 

After considering all feedback, Council will decide whether or not to proceed with the proposal.

Further information regarding the proposal may be obtained from Tim Cocks, Manager Leisure on 1300 882 233.

Steve Kozlowski
Chief Executive Officer

Notice is given, pursuant to section 74(4) of the Local Government Act 2020, that at its meeting held on 28 August 2023, Maroondah City Council resolved to make the Community Local Law 2023 (with the Waste Services Guidelines, incorporated by reference) applying throughout the municipal district. 

The Local Law will take effect from 1 November 2023.

The objectives of this Local Law are to:

  1. protect the health and safety of persons within the Municipal District;
  2. provide for the equitable, orderly and enjoyable use of council land, roads and council assets;
  3. protect, maintain and enhance the natural environment of the Municipal District;
  4. provide for the peace, order and good governance of the Municipal District;
  5. regulate the management of animals on land and on council land; and
  6. provide uniform and fair administration of this Local Law.

This notice can also be viewed in the Government Gazette issue number 36 dated 7 September 2023.

From 31 October 2023, a copy of the adopted Community Local Law and the Waste Services Guidelines (incorporated by reference) can be obtained from the Council Offices; Realm, 179 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood (opposite Ringwood Station); or the Croydon Service Centre, Croydon Library, Civic Square, Croydon. It will also be available online. 

Maroondah City Council at its meeting on 27 August 2018 resolved to seek submissions on proposed Local Law 14 (General Amendment) in accordance with Sections 119 and 223 of the Local Government Act 1989.

Public comment and community submissions are invited regarding the provisions of the draft Local Law.

The purposes and general purport of Local Law 14 (General Amendment) is to amend Local Law No.11 by inserting:

  • new definitions in relation to tobacco as per the Tobacco Act;
  • a new clause that details the parameters of the smoking ban; and
  • Schedule 2 – a new schedule that details in two parts: the prescribed smoke-free areas of Ringwood Town Square and the future Croydon Town Square by plan layout and the guidelines for prescribing any new smoke free area.

A copy of the proposed Local Law and explanatory document (Community Impact Statement) can be obtained from the Council Offices; Braeside Avenue, Ringwood; Realm, 179 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood (opposite Ringwood Station); or Croydon Service Centre, Civic Square, Croydon and the Croydon Library. A copy is also available here.

Anyone may make a written submission on the proposed Local Law. Only written submissions received by 5.00pm on Friday 5 October 2018 will be considered.

Anyone who has made a written submission to Council may also request to be heard in person before a meeting of a Committee of Council appointed for this purpose. Notification will be provided as to the day, time and place at which the meeting will be held.

Written submissions must be addressed to:

Mr Steve Kozlowski
Chief Executive Officer

By mail to: PO Box 156, Ringwood, 3134

By email to

Online at:

By hand to Council Service Centres in Ringwood, Croydon and at Realm

Notice is hereby given of a Special Council Meeting to be held on Monday 9 April 2018, in the Council Chamber at the City Offices, Braeside Avenue, Ringwood, commencing at 7:30pm.

The purpose of the Special Council Meeting is to submit the Draft Council Plan 2017-2021 (2018/19 update) and Proposed Budget 2018/2019, to Council for 'Approval in Principle' and to resolve to place both on public exhibition.

Steve Kozlowski
Chief Executive Officer

Maroondah City Council, gives notice under section 189 of the Local Government Act 1989 of its intention to sell the land abutting the rear of the properties known as 5 Joffre Street and Unit 3, 6 Kitchener Road, Croydon, being part of the land contained in certificate of title volume 11159 folio 189 and shown marked as Lot 1 and Lot 2 on the plan below.


The proposal is that Council sell the parts of the Land shown marked ‘1’ and ‘2’ on the Plan as a separate parcel to the respective adjoining owners, for a purchase price no less than the market value of each Parcel held by Council.

Any person may make a submission on Council’s proposal to sell the Land.

Any person wishing to make a submission must do so in writing by 18 March 2020. All submissions will be considered in accordance with section 223 of the Act.

Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and can be hand delivered to Council’s Service Centre at Braeside Avenue, Ringwood, or posted to the following address:

Steve Kozlowski
Chief Executive Officer
Maroondah City Council
PO Box 156
Ringwood, VIC, 3134

Any person requesting to be heard in support of his or her submission is entitled to be heard before Council (or its committee established by Council for this purpose), or represented by a person acting on his or her behalf, and will be notified of the time and date of the hearing.

Further information regarding the proposal may be obtained from Council’s Property Advisor on 1300 882 233.

Steve Kozlowski           
Chief Executive Officer 
Maroondah City Council


The Maroondah City Council has prepared Amendment C104 to the Maroondah Planning Scheme.

The land affected by the amendment is 46-48 Dickasons Road, Heathmont and 14 Wonga Road, Ringwood.

The amendment proposes to apply the Heritage Overlay to the above properties.

You may inspect the amendment, any documents that support the amendment and the explanatory report about the amendment, free of charge at the following locations:

During office hours, at the office of the planning authority, Maroondah City Council:

  • Realm, Ringwood Town Square, 179 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood
  • Croydon Library, Civic Square, Croydon
  • at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website.

Any person who may be affected by the amendment may make a submission to the planning authority about the amendment. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.

Name and contact details of submitters are required for council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to attend council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions. The closing date for submissions is Monday 2 July 2018. A submission must be sent to Mr Phil Turner, Director Strategy & Community, Maroondah City Council, PO Box 156, Ringwood 3134 or via email at

The planning authority must make a copy of every submission available at its office for any person to inspect free of charge for two months after the amendment comes into operation or lapses.

Phil Turner
Director Strategy & Community

Notice is hereby given that Maroondah City Council’s Annual Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2019 has been prepared and is available for public inspection. Copies of the report are available at Council's Service Centres

Notice is also given that this Annual Report will be considered at a Council Meeting to be held at the City Offices on Monday 21 October 2019 commencing at 7.30pm.

Steve Kozlowski

At its meeting on Monday 20 May 2019 Maroondah City Council resolved that its Council Plan 2017-2021 (2019/20 Update) and Budget 2019/20 be adopted in accordance with Sections 125, 126, 127 and 130 of the Local Government Act 1989.  

Copies of the Council Plan and the Budget are available for inspection at the following locations:


Opening Hours

City Offices Service Centre, Braeside Avenue, Ringwood

Monday – Friday: 8.30am to 5pm


Civic Square Service Centre, Croydon

Monday – Friday: 8.30am to 5pm

Realm, Ringwood Town Square, Ringwood

Monday – Friday: 9am to 8pm

Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 5pm

Any person requiring further information concerning the documents should contact:

  • Council Plan 2017-2021 (2019/20 Update): Grant Meyer, Manager Integrated Planning on 9294 4326
  • Budget 2019/2020: Tony Rocca, Manager Finance & Governance on 9298 4323. 

Steve Kozlowski
Chief Executive Officer

Maroondah Council is commencing its street tree pruning schedule to meet legislative requirements regarding proximity to overhead power lines.

There will be no disruption to power, however heavy equipment may be on site. Works will commence no sooner than 14 days from this notice and are expected to be completed by late March 2019.

For further information, please phone Maroondah City Council on 1300 88 22 33.

By maintaining the annual and cutting program and allowing for growth for individual species no urgent pruning or clearing should be required. In the case of urgent cutting or removal being required, Council will ensure that the process identified under “Emergency Cutting and Pruning” is followed, in accordance with the requirements of the Code.

If works are not completed within the notification timeframe, re-notification will be undertaken in accordance with this process.

Download a larger version of the map:
Street tree pruning map - T06(PDF, 1MB)


Download a larger version of the map:

Street tree pruning map - T07(PDF, 1MB)

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