Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Masterplan
The Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Masterplan was adopted by Council at the November 2018 Council Meeting. It replaced the 2004 Ringwood Transit City Masterplan.
Extensive community consultation and discussion with stakeholder groups was undertaken and highly valued in the development of the revised Ringwood MAC Masterplan.
View the Masterplan and the background report below:
Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Masterplan(PDF, 7MB)
Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Masterplan – Background Report(PDF, 3MB)
Our vision for Ringwood MAC
The vision for the Ringwood MAC Masterplan is described in the image below:

Ringwood is the major urban destination in Melbourne’s outer east. It will contain a vibrant city centre, with an active local economy and contemporary lifestyle options. The vibrant centre boasts integrated and sustainable retail, commercial, leisure, civic and residential activities set in a natural landscape connected through an advanced road and rail network.
Key principles
The key principles of the Masterplan are to:
- Reinforce Ringwood MAC as the principal retail, commercial, community, entertainment and employment focal point of the region.
- Define Ringwood MAC as the most convenient, safe, accessible place in the region.
- Enhance the natural environmental features of Ringwood MAC to distinguish it from other suburban activity centres.
- Establish a true mixed use Centre that promotes high quality urban design.
- Create high quality public spaces that provide for a safe and convenient pedestrian and cyclist environment.
- Provide the infrastructure needed to support the increased number of residents, workers and visitors and mechanisms to fund future infrastructure.
Planning Scheme Amendment C130
Maroondah City Council has prepared Amendment C130 to the planning scheme. This planning scheme amendment seeks to implements the objectives and strategies of the Ringwood MAC Masterplan 2018 into the Maroondah Planning Scheme through the application of local planning policy and changes to zones and overlays in the Ringwood Activity Centre.
Exhibition of the proposed changes to the planning scheme has now closed.
The proposed changes to the planning scheme were considered by an independent planning panel in July 2020. The full Amendment process is detailed on our Your Say Maroondah website
Further information
For further information on the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Masterplan contact Council on 1300 88 22 33.