Coffee capsules/pods

Council kerbside collection

  • Place capsule/pod in general waste bin, emptied weekly
  • If you can open the capsule/pod, place coffee grounds in FOGO bin, emptied fortnightly

Coffee capsules or pods, cannot be recycled in your blue-lidded recycling bin as the coffee inside the capsule prevents the metal from being sorted correctly. Depending on the brand, some can be returned to the manufacturer of the coffee machine.

green lidded bin with an silhouette of food and garden wastegreen and red lidded bin with an image of a house

Nespresso Capsules/Pods

Nescafe Dolce-Gusto Capsules/Pods

TerraCycle (aluminium only)

Set up a collection of coffee pods at your home or workplace with TerraCycle. To find out how to recycle your coffee pods visit the Terra Cycle website.

Banish recycling program

Can be recycled by sending coffee pods to the Banish recycling program.