Open Space Policy

The Maroondah Open Space Policy establishes Council’s position in relation to the engagement, planning, development, management and promotion of its open space environments and assets.  

The policy is applicable across all of Maroondah's owned and managed open space land and assets. The policy also guides Council’s engagement, negotiations and responses to private and public land owners in relation to open space provisions and connections within Maroondah, where land is not owned by Council.

The policy aims to:

  • Align directions of open space provision with the Maroondah 2040 Community Vision.
  • Direct and underpin the creation of open space strategies, service plans and planning tools.
  • Assist decision making in relation to the planning, protection or development of open space environments.
  • Enable options for the development of open space to be prioritised and programmed.
  • Provide a basis for allocation of funding resources towards open space projects.
  • Provide a basis to evaluate and respond to proposals for the use of open space.
  • Encourage and facilitate open space improvements within the public setting, where land is not owned by Council.

Open Space Policy

Maroondah Open Space Policy(DOCX, 47KB)

Maroondah Open Space Policy(PDF, 306KB)