Street addressing

Street addressing makes it possible to locate a place through road names and street numbers.

Maroondah City Council is the street addressing authority for the City of Maroondah.

Council is responsible for naming new roads, changing road names if a need arises, and allocating numbers to properties within Maroondah.

Road naming

Assigning an appropriate name to a road is essential to clearly identify locations for managing emergencies and delivering goods and services. 

Maroondah City Council carries out the formal process for naming and renaming of roads in accordance with the naming rules provided by the Department of Transport and Planning.

You can view the naming rules on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

How are road names selected?

Maroondah City Council encourages names that act as a reminder of local history, local culture and Maroondah citizens and include Women in History, First Peoples naming, and ANZAC tributes.

Proposed road names are not appropriate if they:

  • may cause confusion or errors
  • are not easy to pronounce
  • are the same or similar to another road in close proximity
  • or are named after a business or a living person.

Once a potential name has been selected, the naming process involves:

  1. writing to all neighbouring property owners and occupiers and key stakeholders
  2. submitting the name to Geographic Names Victoria for review and approval
  3. publishing the approved name in the Government Gazette
  4. and providing the new name to VICNAMES, Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA), Australia Post and other relevant authorities.

This process can take three or more months and any objections can delay the process while these are resolved. 

Can a road name be changed?

Changing existing road names is very difficult.

Each road name comes with its own history, and a change of name can have significant effects on property owners, occupiers and businesses.

A road naming proposal will only be considered when the long-term benefits to the community can be shown to outweigh any short-term effects. 

Street numbering

Street numbers must be clearly displayed in a prominent position to allow your property to be quickly and easily identified and located.

This is especially important in an emergency situation, but is also required for deliveries, service authorities, and customers or visitors to a property or business.

When is a property allocated a street address?

An address will be allocated when a new property requires one, or an existing property requires an amendment to its address.

This includes when:

  • new allotments are created as part of the subdivision process, or consolidation of properties
  • there has been a change of building occupancy
  • or a review has identified a risk with the existing numbering of a property.

How is an address allocated to a property?

When allocating an address to a property, Council must ensure that: 

  • property address numbers will be assigned according to the main point of access to the property (main access point being the street frontage/front door access point)
  • all properties are allocated their own unique street number
  • and each number is unique, logical and sequential. 

When will a request for a new address not be considered?

Council will not approve requests for changes that conflict with the Australian Addressing Standards, or due to:

  • a number being considered unlucky or lucky
  • cultural or religious reasons
  • personal preference
  • or a resident being incorrectly advised that the property was a different number.

Related links

Further information

For more information on street addressing in Maroondah please contact Maroondah City Council on or call 1300 88 22 33.