Planning Scheme Review 2024

The Maroondah Planning Scheme is a living document that is amended as needed. Most of the changes are made by the State Government. They address issues which are relevant to either Melbourne or Victoria as a whole.  

Council conducts amendments which relate to Maroondah specifically. This may include: 

  • changes to the controls which affect a single property or group of properties; and
  • updates to local planning policy. 

The Planning and Environment Act 1987 also requires that Council conduct regular reviews of its planning scheme. This ensures that the Scheme stays effective and efficient. Council has completed a review of its planning scheme. The review was endorsed by Council on 19 February 2024.  

The review recommends a range of changes to the Maroondah Planning Scheme. It also makes recommendations about future strategic work, advocacy and process improvement.  


Recurring themes within the scheme review actions include:  

  • Setting the vision, to ensure planning reflects Council’s strategic directions and policies. 
  • Planning for local places, to support activity and employment centres. 
  • Ensuring heritage assets are identified and protected. 
  • Planning for the environment and environmental risks. 
  • Planning for the residential framework. 
  • Planning for current and future transport needs. 

Planning scheme amendments

The recommended planning scheme changes include procedural and administrative changes such as: 

  • updating local Schedules to be consistent with current State Government standards
  • altering text to improve clarity
  • altering zone and overlay mapping to meet State Government requirements. For example, by applying the Transport Zone 2 to arterial roads; and
  • correcting zoning anomalies. 

The procedural changes identified will form Maroondah Planning Scheme amendment C153maro.  

There is also a range of other changes which are not policy-neutral, including: 

  • updating local policy to reflect adopted Council policies and strategies, or to fill gaps in policy
  • rezoning land which is no longer owned by a public authority but remains in a public land zone
  • applying the Specific Controls Overlay to land expected to house a future Healesville Arterial; and
  • removal of redundant Overlay controls. 

The non-procedural changes will form Maroondah Planning Scheme amendment C155maro.  

Both amendments are currently being prepared. Council will submit them to the Minister for Planning for their authorisation in the coming months. Amendment C155maro will undergo public consultation following authorisation. 

Future strategic work

Work proposed be conducted in the next three years includes: 

  • developing a Neighbourhood Character Strategy
  • finalising the Croydon Structure Plan 2023 and including it in the planning scheme
  • increasing activity and housing in and around Maroondah’s Neighbourhood and Local Activity Centres at densities suited to each centre
  • preparing and implementing strategies to increase employment and guide development on industrial land
  • implementing the Maroondah Vegetation Strategy 2020-2030; and
  • developing a Transport Strategy for the municipality. 



There are a small number of actions which can only be implemented by the State Government. Council will advocate to relevant Ministers on the community’s behalf on these matters. This includes corrections to Melbourne’s Urban Growth Boundary and changes to the way some government land is used in the short-medium term.