Activity Centre Car Park Reserved Parking Bay application

Use this form to request a reserved parking bay in the Devon Street Car Park. You can also request a replacement remote/access card/add 24 hours access on this page.

You can do this online, by mail, or in person.

Reserved parking bays are currently available in the Devon Street Car Park. As other Activity Centre Car Parks are opened, the Scheme will be extended to these Car Parks.

Permits will be assigned to individual vehicles. Please submit an individual application for each vehicle. 

See fees and charges

Apply for a reserved parking bay

You can apply online or in writing for a reserved parking bay.

Council will process applications within 10 business days.


Apply online

Apply for a reserved parking bay using the online form.

Reserved parking bay application form 


By email, in person or by mail

Reserved parking bay application form(DOCX, 83KB)

Reserved parking bay application form(PDF, 177KB)

Submit the completed form and any supporting documents:

Information for businesses

  • Businesses can apply for a reserved parking bay.
  • Businesses will need to make an application for each vehicle, and can assign the permit to an individual employee.
  • Invoices for approved applications will be addressed to the business specified on the application. 

What happens next?

  • Successful application  - If the permit application is successful, an invoice will be emailed. Payment is required within the payment terms otherwise the allocated bay will be forfeited. 
  • Payment - Once payment is made, an ePermit and specific bay will be assigned to the nominated vehicle. If you have applied for 24 hour access* you will be sent instructions on how to collect your access card and remote.
    *You must select this option when applying for the parking permit. 
  • Unsuccessful application  - If the permit application is unsuccessful you will be notified, and placed on a waiting list. When a reserved parking bay becomes available, the next applicant on the waiting list will offered a reserved parking bay.

Further information 

For further information on Activity Centre Car Park Reserved Bays, please contact Council on 1300 88 22 33.