Parking frequently asked questions

Find out about where and how you can park, and more about particular parking.

Some of our Frequently Asked Questions reference the Victorian Road Rules. Read more on the Victorian Road Rules.

Local street parking

Sometimes parking on both sides of my road blocks two-way traffic. Can Council prohibit parking on one side?

Council does not generally restrict parking outside the scope of the Road Rules, as on-street parking is considered a valuable resource for the local community.

Most local roads within Maroondah City Council and across Melbourne are in line with State Government development guidelines.  Their width allows for parking on both sides and provides 3m of clear roadway for through vehicles, which is enough for 1 car to drive through. See example below.

local street with cars parked on side of road

Sparse parking along most local streets usually permits two-way traffic flow, but more on-street parking can reduce access to one ‘through’ vehicle only. Drivers in these circumstances are expected to drive according to the road conditions, and will sometimes need to yield to oncoming vehicle. See the image below.  


Can I park my vehicle on the nature strip?

The Victorian Road Rules state that vehicles cannot park on nature strips. Council therefore can’t give specific permission for parking on a nature strip, unless there are specially built areas such as indented bays.

Vehicles parked on nature strips can:

  • damage Council infrastructure (i.e. kerb and channel, subsurface drainage, vegetation, drainage pit lids etc)
  • obstruct sight distance near private driveways and intersections
  • obstruct the footpath or pedestrian traffic.

Note that Victoria Police may administer a parking infringement penalty for parking on the nature strip.

What are the regulations for heavy or long vehicles parking on the road?

According to the road rules, heavy or long vehicles cannot be parked on a road for longer than 1 hour unless:

  • there is a specific traffic control device that permits the driver of a heavy or longer vehicle to park for longer than 1 hour, or
  • the driver is engaged in dropping off or picking up goods.

Under the Road Rule definitions, heavy vehicles have a gross vehicle mass of 4.5 tonnes or more and long vehicles are 7.5 metres or longer.

Can Council install an indented bay near my nature strip or indented bays in my street?

Council will only allow the construction of additional on-street parking (including indented parking bays) in a street if there is significant support demonstrated by residents, usually by letters or a petition. For Council to proceed with a parking scheme there must be a clear majority of support from the impacted property owners.

Costs for the parking works would be recovered from the abutting property owners by Council through a Special Rates and Charges Scheme under the provisions of the Local Government Act.

Generally, Council does not support the installation of isolated indented parking bays for specific properties.  Council would generally only consider additional on-street parking works as part of a street-wide project or wider parking scheme.

Any extra parking that is created under a Special Rates and Charges Scheme will be available for public use and cannot be allocated only to abutting property owners.

I have a large vehicle, trailer, boat, or caravan.  Can Council restrict parking near my driveway so I can get my vehicle out?

Unfortunately it is not practical for Council to set up parking controls that restrict parking within a typical residential street for the benefit of private oversized vehicle access.

We would expect you to make your own arrangements to ensure that the road space you need is free. These include:

  • Park your own car in the critical space.
  • Let your neighbours know that you will need access to that part of your street.
  • Make changes to your crossover or driveway to improve access.

Can Council prohibit parking near or opposite my driveway?

There are no Road Rules that prohibit parking near a driveway or on the opposite side of the road, so Council does not prohibit parking for access to private driveways.

If vehicles parked near your driveway make access difficult, we suggested that you:

  • explain your situation to your neighbour and ask them to leave some space next to or opposite your driveway
  • consider widening your driveway, which would improve access to your property.

Can Council install parking linemarking, such as hockey stick markings, near my driveway?

Council generally does not install hockey stick or other parking guidance linemarking.

  • The linemarking is not enforceable under the Road Rules.
  • The linemarking may alter the alignment of the road by guiding vehicles closer to the centre of the road.
  • There is considerable cost associated with maintenance and officer time to develop these works, which would be compounded if the practice was to become widely adopted throughout the municipality.

Council only installs guidance linemarking such as hockey sticks in exceptional circumstances, such as:

  • in commercial precincts with wider roads that experience significant parking turnover
  • in industrial areas where older roads have been built to previous guidelines, and linemarking is needed to ensure access for larger vehicles. 

Vehicles are parked across or overhanging my driveway. What can I do?

Under the Road Rules, vehicles cannot be parked so that they block any part of a driveway, including the splay. See below.


If a vehicle is parked illegally near your driveway, call Council’s Local Laws team on 1300 88 22 33. A parking enforcement officer may be dispatched to undertake a spot inspection of the area.

Can I park across or in my own driveway?

Under the road rules, vehicles cannot be parked on or across the driveway entrance, even if it is your vehicle and your property.


Can Council prohibit parking along the top of a T-intersection?

The Victorian Road Rules do not specifically prohibit parking along the continuous side of a T-intersection.

Parking is a valuable community resource, and Council generally does not prohibit parking outside the scope of the Road Rules.


Shopping areas and business car parking

Parking restrictions nearby do not suit my business. Can Council change the restrictions?

Council would only consider altering short-term parking restrictions near shopping strips, or within Council-owned public car parks near activity centres, if there is significant trader support demonstrated by a joint letter.

Parking within commercial precincts is generally strategically managed to the benefit of all land uses (and potential land uses permitted under the zoning of the land). Council would not support the change of a parking restriction for the benefit of a single trader. 

Can Council provide long term parking within Ringwood Square Car Park?

Council manages the availability of all-day parking within Council owned land. The property and car park of Ringwood Square Shopping Centre and many surrounding businesses are all under the ownership of their respective centre managements. Council has no authority to make changes to the parking arrangements within their premises.

We suggest your workplace contacts the relevant centre managements to discuss parking arrangements for their staff.

Note: Some centre managements have agreements with Council to have their privately-owned carparks policed by Council Parking Enforcement Officers. Fines can be issued to drivers that do not adhere to the Victorian Road Rules.

How does parking at Eastland work?

This privately-owned shopping centre provides and manages its own parking arrangements. They also own several nearby parking areas outside the main complex, which also have parking restrictions. 

Railway station parking

Can Council provide more public parking at train stations?

Railway station car parks are developed, operated and maintained by the rail authority VicTrack.

Council often has the difficult task of managing parking in areas surrounding train stations that have a distinct lack of a rail commuter parking. In many circumstances, Council is unable to prioritise rail commuter parking over parking needs of local traders, visitors and residents. However, at the May 2019 Federal Election, the Coalition provided a commitment to build new multilevel carparks that will serve:

  • Ringwood Station - 400 spaces
  • Croydon Station - 400 spaces

Additionally at the 2018 State Election, the Labor Party committed $2million for carparking at Ringwood East Station.  These works have now been consolidated in to the Dublin Road Level Crossing Removal that was announced in July 2021.  The level crossing works will deliver 460 upgraded car parking spaces as well as a brand new Ringwood East Station.

Council has advocated, and will continue to advocate, to both levels of government for additional car parking for train patrons.

School parking

Can Council provide on-street pick-up bays near my children’s school?

Council does not implement afternoon pick-up parking bays near schools however, historically, some still exist within our municipality.

Short term parking bays for schools do not operate effectively during pick-up times in the afternoon. We have found these spaces encourage drivers to queue in the surrounding roads as they wait to enter these spaces, rather than driving past to find a vacant parking space.

These queues frequently cause illegal and unsafe driving behaviours such as double parking, parking longer than the time specified by the pick-up bay parking restriction, and general congestion of the roads.